CFPS Data User Agreement
In order to ensure the CFPS intellectual property rights and the privacy of respondents, I agree to abide by the following terms:
1. I am obliged to protect and respect the privacy of the respondents included in the dataset, and will not explore, disclose, or disseminate any information that may contain the identifiable information of the respondents.
2. I agree to cite the source of CFPS data wherever it is used, in accordance with the agreement. "All (part) of the data used in this paper (book) comes from the China Family Panel Studies, conducted by Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University". Other references:
3. I will not distribute any part of the CFPS data on journal websites or third-party platforms, either in its original or modified form.
4. I understand that CFPS restricted data must be requested through the Institute of Social Science Survey (ISSS) at Peking University. CFPS geocodes at county, prefecture and city levels must be accessed in designated locations approved by the ISSS. I will not use data obtained from any other sources.
5. I will only use CFPS data for academic or policy research purposes, and will not use it for any profit-making activities.
6. I will notify the CFPS office of any publications based on the CFPS data.